Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Review of units of time

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Review of units of time
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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The Max Maths workbook for Year 4 includes a section that provides a review of units of time, helping students understand how to estimate and measure the duration of various events. In Practice 2, students are asked to match different units of time with appropriate events. For example, they would match 'years' with 'school holidays,' indicating that school holidays are typically measured in years. Similarly, 'seconds' would be matched with the time it takes to walk across the classroom, 'minutes' with the age of a friend, 'months' with the time to walk to school, and 'days' with the time it takes to grow a plant. This exercise helps children grasp the concept of estimating and measuring time in the context of everyday activities.

The workbook further reinforces the understanding of time units through sentence completion exercises. Students use words from a given list—seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years—to fill in blanks in sentences related to daily life scenarios. For instance, they might indicate that they can write their name a certain number of times in a given number of seconds or that a favourite TV programme lasts a specific number of minutes. Additionally, they reflect on personal experiences, such as how long they sleep each night or how old they and their friends are. The review culminates with a story about a fairground visit, where students fill in blanks with suitable units of time, thereby applying their knowledge to a narrative context and ensuring they can effectively use and understand different time measurements.

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