Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Venn diagrams

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Venn diagrams
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a mathematics exercise for Year 4 students, the task involves using Venn diagrams to categorise numbers and preferences. The first activity requires students to sort all the numbers from 1 to 30 into a Venn diagram with two categories: numbers that are multiples of 3 and even numbers. Students are then prompted to observe and discuss the properties of the numbers that fall into the intersection of the two circles, which would be numbers that are both multiples of 3 and even. Additionally, they are asked to consider the characteristics of the numbers that do not fit into either category, thus lying outside the circles.

The second activity uses a Venn diagram to display the subjects that different learners like, with three subjects represented: Mathematics, Music, and History. The names of the students are placed in the relevant sections of the diagram to indicate their preferences. Based on the positioning of the names, students must determine the truthfulness of certain statements. For instance, they must assess whether Kayla likes mathematics, if Levi enjoys both mathematics and music, and if Lily is a fan of all three subjects. These statements are to be marked as true or false according to the information provided by the Venn diagram. The exercise concludes with a direction for students to turn to a specific workbook page for further learning.

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