Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Sensible estimates of a number as a range

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 3 curriculum, students are encouraged to develop their estimation skills with an exercise on making sensible estimates of a number as a range. The "Let's Try It" section presents a hands-on activity where students first estimate the range within which the total number of counting blocks falls. After making their estimate, they are then instructed to count the blocks one by one, providing a practical approach to comparing their estimated range with the actual number. This exercise helps to enhance their ability to gauge quantities and understand the concept of a numerical range.
The second part of the activity follows a similar format, this time focusing on estimating the range for a group of dots. Students are asked to make an initial estimate of the range and then count each dot to find the actual number. This task allows them to refine their estimation skills further and to directly measure the accuracy of their guesses against the real count. The activity is designed to be interactive and engaging, reinforcing the importance of estimation in everyday mathematical thinking. After completing the exercises, students are directed to workbook pages 28 to 29 to continue their practice in estimation and numerical ranges.