Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Units of time (2)

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 3 curriculum, students are encouraged to explore different units of time through practical examples. Task (e) presents a real-world scenario where pupils consider the time it takes to send a parcel from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta via airmail. The exercise prompts children to think about whether this duration should be measured in days or weeks, helping them understand the appropriate units of time for various lengths of time.
Similarly, task (f) asks students to reflect on the length of time it is daylight, encouraging them to measure this period in either hours or days. This activity not only aids in their comprehension of time units but also connects to their everyday experiences, such as noticing the change in daylight hours. Both exercises aim to develop the students' ability to choose the correct time units for different situations, a fundamental skill in their mathematical development.