Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Symmetry of figures

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Symmetry of figures
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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The Max Maths Year 2 Workbook introduces the concept of symmetry through a variety of engaging exercises. In Practice 3, titled 'Symmetry of Figures', students are asked to examine different shapes and objects to determine if they are symmetrical. The first activity requires students to identify symmetrical shapes by ticking them and to mark the non-symmetrical ones with a cross. This visual exercise helps children to recognise symmetry intuitively by looking at the balance and equality of form on either side of a central line.

Following this, the workbook challenges students to deepen their understanding by drawing lines of symmetry on various shapes. This hands-on approach allows them to actively engage with the concept and apply their knowledge practically. The activity progresses to include real-world objects, asking students to both identify symmetrical objects and illustrate their lines of symmetry. As the practice advances, it also incorporates an exercise on identifying lines of symmetry in letters of the alphabet, which combines literacy with mathematical understanding. This comprehensive approach ensures that students not only grasp the concept of symmetry but also learn to apply it in different contexts.

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