Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Comparing masses

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Comparing masses
Max Maths
Max Maths

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In the 'Try It' section of the Max Maths Year 1 textbook, young learners are encouraged to explore the concept of comparing masses through a series of simple and engaging exercises. The activities are designed to help children understand the relative weight of different objects, using terms such as 'heavier' or 'lighter' to make comparisons. For instance, in the first exercise, students must determine whether a feather is heavier or lighter than a ball. They are prompted to fill in the blanks with the correct comparative word, fostering their ability to assess and compare the mass of the two items.

As the activity continues, students are presented with additional comparisons to make: deciding if milk is heavier or lighter than butter, and comparing the mass of a soft toy to that of a box and a rubber duck. These comparisons are not only fun but also educational, as they challenge the students to think critically about the weight of everyday objects. The questions also prompt the young learners to identify the lightest and heaviest items among those presented. To support their learning, students are directed to workbook pages 160 to 165, where they can find further examples and exercises to practice these new skills in comparing masses.