Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Subtraction and addition word problems

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Subtraction and addition word problems
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 1 curriculum, young learners are introduced to the fundamentals of subtraction and addition through engaging word problems. This approach helps to contextualise mathematical concepts, making them relatable and easier to grasp for first-year students. The "Let's Learn Together" section provides a couple of examples that demonstrate how to apply basic arithmetic to everyday situations.

For instance, one problem presents a scenario where Tya has 13 apples and receives an additional 5 apples from Han. By combining these quantities, children are encouraged to perform a simple addition to find the total: 13 + 5 equals 18. Hence, Tya now has 18 apples. Another problem involves Toby who starts with 16 crayons but gives 8 of them to Jade. To solve this, students subtract 8 from 16, resulting in Toby having 8 crayons left. Through these straightforward and relatable problems, children practice their addition and subtraction skills, gaining confidence in their ability to solve mathematical questions in a real-world context.