Multiples of 90 degrees worksheet

Year 5
Multiples of 90 degrees worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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In a worksheet designed for Key Stage 2 pupils, the activities are centred on understanding and calculating angles, specifically those that are multiples of 90 degrees. The first activity involves pair work, where children are given diagrams of straight lines with angles missing. The task requires them to work together to figure out the missing angles and then share their methods with another pair, fostering both mathematical reasoning and communication skills.

The second activity follows a similar format but introduces the concept of angles around a point. Pairs of children are given a point with various angles stemming from it, some of which are missing. They must calculate these missing angles and then articulate their process to another pair, reinforcing their understanding through teaching. The third activity is more hands-on, requiring paper, scissors, protractors, and rulers. Children draw and cut out an equilateral triangle, label its angles, and then dissect the triangle to explore the sum of angles on a straight line. This practical exercise not only demonstrates that the angles in a straight line total 180 degrees but also encourages investigation into whether this principle applies to other types of triangles. The overarching objective is to help children identify angles at a point (360 degrees), angles on a straight line (180 degrees), and to recognise other multiples of 90 degrees, enhancing their geometrical skills.

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