Vocabulary Quiz - Addition and Subtraction

Year 5
Vocabulary Quiz - Addition and Subtraction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

This vocabulary quiz, designed for Year 5 students, tests their understanding of addition and subtraction terminology. The first question asks which operation is used to perform the calculation 543 plus 234, with the correct answer being addition. The second question delves into the concept of decomposition, a technique applicable to subtraction. Next, the quiz explores the idea of inverse operations, which are operations that reverse the effects of each other.

Further questions focus on identifying the appropriate operations for specific mathematical scenarios. For instance, to find the difference between two numbers, subtraction should be used. The quiz also clarifies when to exchange in subtraction, which is necessary when the number being subtracted is larger than the number it is subtracted from in a given column. Additionally, students are quizzed on the correct procedures for column addition and subtraction, such as understanding that the order of numbers in column addition does not matter and beginning with the ones column when subtracting four-digit numbers. The quiz concludes by explaining that an exchange is made in column addition when a column's total exceeds its place value, and that the largest number should be written first when performing column subtraction.