Finding Factors Target Board
Maths Resource Description
KS2Gems' Finding Factors Target Board is an engaging educational resource designed for Year 4 students to enhance their multiplication and division skills. The objective of Target Board 2 is to help students recognise and utilise factor pairs, as well as understand the concept of commutativity in mental calculations. These target boards are versatile tools that can be used to start or finish a lesson, and are particularly useful for retrieval practice—a method that improves memory and learning retention.
The target boards present a grid of numbers, and the teacher can direct the class to perform various tasks using these numbers. For instance, students might be asked to identify which number in a given row has the most factors, thereby encouraging them to think critically about the relationships between numbers. The boards can be displayed to the whole class or used in smaller group settings. Each group can be given different instructions to cater to their learning level, allowing for simultaneous challenges that are tailored to the students' abilities. Target boards are a simple yet effective way to practice mental maths, and with the use of whiteboards and pens, children can actively engage with the task and share their answers with the class.