Recalling Multiplication and Division Facts worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "Recalling Multiplication and Division Facts" offers a series of engaging activities designed to help children practice and recall multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12x12. In Activity 1, children are invited to use physical objects like counters, bricks, or straws to create equal groups of numbers up to 12, explaining their groupings and counting by multiples. A creative variation prompts them to draw pictorial representations of these groups. Activity 2 expands on this by having the children use the same objects to represent multiplication and division facts, encouraging them to explain their visual representations.
Further activities include creating arrays with the provided apparatus in Activity 3, where children must explain their layouts, and an innovative Activity 4 that takes learning outside the classroom. Here, children go on a hunt for real-world examples of arrays, capturing them with photographs to discuss back in class. The activities then become more kinetic with Activity 5 and 6, where children engage in counting games that involve multiples, incorporating movement and quick thinking. For example, in Activity 6, children play a game similar to "Fizz Buzz," where they stand and count aloud, substituting multiples with the words "Fizz" or "Buzz." The worksheet also includes activities that utilise counting sticks and multiple cards to further reinforce the learning objectives, such as arranging themselves in numerical order and identifying missing multiples. The final activity, Activity 9, uses hundred squares and coloured crayons, allowing children to visualise and explore patterns formed by multiples on the grid.