Representing and estimating numbers worksheet
![Representing and estimating numbers worksheet](
![KS2 Gems](
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet is designed to help children grasp the concept of representing and estimating numbers through practical activities. The objectives are clear: students are expected to identify, represent, and estimate numbers using a variety of representations. This hands-on approach to learning numbers is aimed at enhancing their understanding and ability to visualize numerical concepts in different formats.
In Activity 1, children are provided with educational tools such as straws, Base 10 blocks, counters, and place value (PV) counters, along with whiteboards and pens. They begin by translating a three-digit number, presented on the board either in numerals or words, into a physical representation using the provided equipment. Working individually or with a partner, they are then encouraged to find alternative methods to represent the same number, fostering creativity and reinforcing their understanding. A variation of the activity allows for collaborative learning, with one child creating the representation and the other verifying its accuracy before swapping roles. Activity 2 builds upon these skills. Children use the equipment to represent a number physically and then transcribe it onto their whiteboards in numerals, words, or both. Partner collaboration is again encouraged for checking accuracy, promoting peer learning and communication.