Money Loop Card Game - Set A

Maths Resource Description
The Money Loop Card Game - Set A is an educational resource designed to help Year 3 students improve their understanding of money calculations in a fun and interactive way. The set, created by KS2Gems in 2022, features a series of cards that pose various questions involving British currency, ranging from basic addition and subtraction to more complex problems that require converting pence to pounds and vice versa. For instance, one card might ask "What is £2.50 + 35p?" with the answer being "£2.85." Another card might challenge students to work out the change from a £5 note when £3.76 is spent, which would be £1.24. The game is designed to engage students in practical maths scenarios, enhancing their arithmetic skills and their ability to handle money.
Within the game, children will encounter a variety of money-related questions that cover different aspects of financial literacy. They will calculate the total value of coins, such as "I have 6 5p coins and 3 2p coins – what is the total?" which is 36p, and also work out the total in pounds for a given number of pence, like "What is 407p in £ and pence?" with the answer being "£4.07." The game also includes conversion tasks such as "What is £9.99 in pence?" which teaches them that £9.99 is equivalent to 999p. By playing the Money Loop Card Game, students will become more confident in handling money, understanding the value of coins and notes, and making calculations that are essential for everyday life.