Fractions, decimals and percentages teacher instructions

Year 3
Fractions, decimals and percentages teacher instructions
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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This booklet is a comprehensive resource for Year 3 teachers, offering a variety of activities tailored to meet the specific objectives related to Fractions in the curriculum. Each activity within the booklet comes with clear instructions, including the objectives it serves and the necessary equipment or resources required for execution. The activities are conveniently categorised with symbols to indicate whether they are most suitable for the whole class, small groups, or pairs, allowing teachers to select the most appropriate format for their students' needs.

Teachers have the flexibility to incorporate these activities at different stages of their lessons. They can be utilised at the start of a lesson to review previous knowledge or assess students' understanding, during the main part of the lesson to reinforce new concepts, or at the end to evaluate students' progress. These activities are intended to complement the existing educational materials and enhance the school's current teaching provision. Additionally, children who are part of intervention groups may find repeated use of these activities particularly beneficial. The KS2Gems website also offers further resources such as Fraction Number Lines, Representing Fractions Sheets, Cuisenaire Rods Images, a comprehensive Fractions Resources Pack, Odd One Out activities, and Fraction Part-Whole Models to support and extend learning in this area.

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