Add and subtract mentally worksheet

Maths Resource Description
The worksheet from KS2Gems provides a series of activities designed to help Year 6 students practice and enhance their mental arithmetic skills, specifically in adding and subtracting numbers. The objectives are clearly outlined, focusing on mental calculations involving a combination of a 3-digit number with ones, tens, or hundreds. In Activity 1, students are challenged to pick random 3-digit numbers and either ones, tens, or hundreds digit cards, then add or subtract these as instructed by the teacher. They write their answers on a whiteboard, and the class discusses the various strategies used to reach the correct answers. Variations to the activity include using alternative mathematical vocabulary and incorporating a timer to encourage quicker mental calculations.
Activity 2 follows a similar structure, with the addition of a competitive element where students reveal their answers simultaneously upon the teacher's prompt. Activity 3 involves a more complex challenge, where students select a 3-digit number within a given range and must perform exactly four operations to reach a target number, using each of the ones/tens/hundreds digits only once. An example is provided to illustrate the process. Finally, Activity 4 tasks the students with selecting a 3-digit number and performing addition and subtraction with four different ones/tens/hundreds numbers. This activity aids in reinforcing their mental calculation strategies and understanding of the relationship between numbers. Each activity is designed to develop students' fluency in mental arithmetic and to encourage the use of efficient calculation methods.