Roman number digit cards - 1 to 100

Year 3
Roman number digit cards - 1 to 100
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
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Roman numeral digit cards offer a visual and tactile method to understand and work with Roman numerals, ranging from 1 to 100. These cards begin with the simplest numerals – I for 1, II for 2, and continue in sequence with III for 3, IV for 4, and V for 5. The cards then progress through the next set, starting with VI for 6 and following the pattern up to X, which stands for 10. This pattern is consistent throughout the set, with each card representing the next number in Roman numeral form.

As the numbers increase, the Roman numerals become more complex, yet they follow specific rules that are visually represented on the cards. For instance, XI through XV represent 11 to 15, while XXI through XXV cover 21 to 25. When the count reaches the fifties and beyond, the cards display an L at the start, indicating the number 50. For example, LI to LV correspond to 51 to 55, and LXI to LXV denote 61 to 65. The numerals continue in this fashion, with LXXI to LXXV for 71 to 75, and LXXXI to LXXXV for 81 to 85. The set concludes with the numerals for the 90s, starting with XC for 90 and ending with C for 100, encapsulating an entire century in Roman numeral form.

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