Converting Unit - Convert Metric Measures - Planning

Year 6
Converting Unit - Convert Metric Measures - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a structured lesson tailored for Year 6 students, the aim is to teach the conversion of metric measures, specifically focusing on length, mass, and capacity. The lesson begins with a review of previous learning, where students are expected to apply their multiplication and division skills by 10, 100, and 1,000 to convert between different units. The class is first introduced to converting kilograms to grams and vice versa using a visual slide and a table with missing measurements, where they practice finding the missing figures by multiplying or dividing by 1,000. This is followed by learning to convert between kilograms and tonnes using similar methods. The students then tackle converting units of length, such as kilometres to metres and centimetres to millimetres, by using the appropriate power of 10.

Throughout the session, children engage in group work to complete reasoning tasks and work independently on fluency and reasoning worksheets tailored to their level of understanding. The lesson encourages critical thinking with key questions about efficient conversion methods, the significance of zeroes in measurements, and recognising patterns within the conversions. Common misconceptions are addressed, such as the importance of zeros as placeholders and the consistent use of multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 for conversions. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students assess their learning, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging. Differentiated outcomes are set for students working towards expected levels and those achieving greater depth, with the latter group tackling more complex conversions and problems involving decimal places.

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