Decimals - Multiply Decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000 - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
This worksheet introduces children to the concept of multiplying decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000. It aims to deepen their understanding of place value and the effects of multiplication on decimal numbers. Through the use of a place value grid, students learn to shift counters to the left, visualising how the value of a number increases when multiplied by multiples of 10. The worksheet guides students step by step, starting with multiplying decimals with one digit after the decimal point, then progressing to two or three digits. They are required to complete tables by applying multiplication rules and to match calculations with their corresponding results on the place value grids.
Further exercises on the worksheet ask students to multiply a variety of numbers, including those with up to three decimal places. By moving the counters on the place value grid, students can see the direct impact of multiplication on the placement of digits. For example, when multiplying by 10, counters move one place to the left, and so on for 100 and 1,000. The worksheet also includes a section for reasoning and problem-solving, where students can explore patterns in multiplication and validate their understanding, as in the case of Tia's correct observation that multiplying by 10,000 is equivalent to multiplying by 10 four times. The provided answers help children check their work and understand the correct movements for each multiplication scenario.