Decimals - Divide Decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000 - Starter

Year 5
Decimals - Divide Decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The educational material provided offers a variety of mathematical exercises aimed at Year 5 students during the Summer term of Week 4. The exercises cover a range of topics including division, multiplication, and understanding decimals. Students are encouraged to practise their fluency in maths through a 'Fluent in Four' revision segment, which includes tasks such as dividing and multiplying decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000. For example, they complete a table where they multiply numbers like 40.59, 0.459, and 4.509 by these multiples of ten to understand how the decimal point moves accordingly.

In addition to decimal operations, the exercises include real-life applications of maths, such as dividing money among friends. One question asks how much each person would receive if £18 were shared equally among ten friends, while another challenges pupils to calculate the total amount of money if each person has 50p. There are also problems that involve measuring the perimeter of a shape in millimetres and determining the percentage of a shape that is shaded given certain conditions. These exercises not only enhance computational skills but also promote critical thinking and the practical application of mathematical concepts in everyday scenarios.

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