Decimals and Percentages - Understand Percentages - Starter

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Understand Percentages - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 5 mathematics lesson, students are encouraged to become fluent in various mathematical concepts through a series of engaging exercises. The 'Fluent in Four' revision section prompts pupils to apply their multiplication skills with questions like '8 x 5 =', and challenges their understanding of division and multiplication with stem sentences such as '_____ ÷ 1 = 503' and '783 × _____ = 0', where students must fill in the blanks. Additionally, learners are tasked with maintaining the equality of an expression by determining the correct operation to use, exemplified by '4,500 ___ _____ = 4,500'.

The lesson also includes activities that develop students' knowledge of geometry and decimals. They are asked to describe shapes using given criteria, such as identifying those with 'four equal sides' or 'two pairs of parallel sides'. To deepen their understanding of decimals and percentages, the students use comparison symbols like '<', '>', or '=' to correctly relate decimal numbers, such as determining if '0.11' is less than, greater than, or equal to '0.1'. A practical application of division with decimals is presented with '57.96 ÷ 10', where students must calculate the result to further consolidate their numerical skills.

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