Decimals and Percentages - Decimals as Fractions (2) - Starter
Maths Resource Description
In the context of a Year 5 mathematics lesson on decimals and percentages, students are presented with a range of activities designed to deepen their understanding of decimals as fractions. The lesson commences with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, where students are tasked with converting fractions with denominators of 100 into their decimal form. This starter activity serves as a warm-up, prompting students to recall and apply their knowledge of place value and the equivalence between fractions and decimals.
Subsequent activities encourage students to engage with various mathematical concepts, such as multiplication and conversion between different units of measurement. For instance, they may be asked to complete a set of bar models that require converting distances in kilometers and millimeters, or determining amounts in pounds and pence. These exercises not only reinforce their understanding of decimals and fractions but also integrate practical applications of mathematics in everyday contexts, such as financial literacy and measurement. Through these tasks, students learn to fluently translate between different representations of numbers, an essential skill for their mathematical progression.