Decimals and Percentages - Rounding Decimals - Presentation

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Rounding Decimals - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In an engaging lesson on rounding decimals, students are introduced to the principles of rounding numbers to the nearest whole number and tenth. This session aims to deepen their understanding of decimals and percentages through a series of activities that combine fluency and reasoning. Initially, the class discusses the rules for rounding whole numbers and how these can be applied to decimals. The lesson includes the use of number lines to visually aid students in grasping the concept of rounding. They are encouraged to complete number lines with decimal increments and then round the given representations to the nearest whole number, enhancing their numerical literacy and attention to detail.

Further activities require students to use number lines to round numbers like 4.24 to the nearest tenth and whole number, reinforcing the rounding rules. They are also tasked with rounding a series of numbers to both the nearest tenth and nearest whole number, using the number lines as a guide. In addition to practical exercises, the lesson incorporates reasoning challenges. For example, students are asked to determine the smallest possible length of a cardboard box measured to the nearest centimetre, or to think of different numbers that round to specific whole numbers and tenths. These reasoning tasks encourage critical thinking and application of the rounding principles learned. The lesson concludes with independent work where students must round various numbers, fostering their ability to work autonomously and apply the day's lessons.

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