Fractions - What is a fraction? - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "What is a fraction?" is an educational resource designed to help children understand the concept of fractions through various activities focused on reasoning and problem-solving. The children are introduced to the basics of fractions, including the terms numerator and denominator, as well as the difference between unit and non-unit fractions. They engage in hands-on learning by cutting out two sets of fraction cards and sorting them into different groups. As they sort, they are encouraged to explain their reasoning and the criteria they have used for grouping the cards. The worksheet provides a range of visual representations of fractions, excluding the number line in one version, and including it in another, to help students visualize fractions in different contexts.
Further deepening their comprehension, the worksheet presents more complex images for the children to sort and discuss, enhancing their ability to recognize and work with fractions. In addition to sorting activities, the worksheet includes tasks that require the children to look at various representations of fractions and determine their correctness. They also engage in critical thinking with an 'always, sometimes, never' task, where they must consider conditions such as whether parts are equal when an apple is cut into quarters, demonstrating the importance of equal division in the concept of fractions. The children are prompted to explain their answers, fostering a deeper understanding of fractions and their properties. This worksheet is designed to build fluency and precision in recognizing and working with fractions, while simultaneously developing reasoning skills.