Fractions - Number Sequences - Planning

Year 5
Fractions - Number Sequences - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the second week of Spring term, Year 5 students are introduced to the concept of number sequences with a focus on fractions. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning and a 'fluent in four' questions exercise to warm up their mathematical thinking. The teaching input involves counting up and down in fractions from various starting points, with visual aids such as a counting stick to support understanding. Students will engage in partner discussions to explore how numerators and denominators behave in these sequences, discovering that while the numerator changes in regular increments, the denominator remains constant.

Independent learning activities include filling in missing values on a number line and applying strategies to complete given fraction sequences. The lesson encourages students to discuss and share different methods for working out missing values, helping them to understand whether a sequence is increasing or decreasing and by what interval. Group work further reinforces reasoning skills, with differentiated worksheets available to challenge students at various levels of fluency. The plenary session aims to address common misconceptions and consolidate learning, with a 'Give me five' reflective exercise that prompts students to consider what they have learned, the skills they have used, and any challenges they encountered. The lesson plan is structured to cater to different abilities, from working towards expected standards to achieving greater depth in understanding and applying fraction sequences.

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