Multiplication and Division (2) - Divide 4-digits by 1 -digit - Starter
Maths Resource Description
In the context of a Year 5 mathematics lesson, students are tasked with various exercises to enhance their fluency in multiplication and division. One of the activities involves a 'Fluent in Four' revision where students must solve problems such as determining the product of double 169 and half of eight. The lesson also includes practical applications of division, such as interpreting bar models to understand distances in kilometres and metres, and analysing data on how children travel to school. For instance, they are presented with a bar chart depicting the number of children using different modes of transport, such as cars, buses, walking, scooters, and bikes, and are asked to identify how many children ride bikes to school.
Further deepening their understanding of division, the students are encouraged to complete bar models that visually represent division calculations. They must break down numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones to solve division problems, such as dividing 636 by 3. This exercise helps them grasp the concept of distributing a number evenly into groups. The lesson is designed to be interactive and engaging, using real-life scenarios to make the mathematical concepts relatable. For example, the bar chart exercise not only teaches data interpretation but also provides a clear visual representation of the division, as students can see the number of children corresponding to each mode of transport, with the specific task of identifying the 55 children who bike to school.