Multiplication and Division (2) - Divide 3-digits by 1 -digit - Presentation

Year 5
Multiplication and Division (2) - Divide 3-digits by 1 -digit - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The lesson on dividing three-digit numbers by a one-digit number equips students with the skills to handle more complex division problems. The teaching slides encourage students to discuss and explore how to adapt their division methods when faced with larger numbers. For instance, they would consider the difference in approach when dividing 34 by 4 versus dividing 253 by 3. The lesson employs a practical method using place value counters to break down the numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones, making it easier for students to understand and calculate the division step by step. For example, 609 divided by 3 is deconstructed into 600 ÷ 3, 0 ÷ 3, and 9 ÷ 3, with each part solved separately before combining the results to get the final answer of 203.

As the lesson progresses, students engage in various activities to reinforce their understanding of the division process. They apply the method to different numbers, such as dividing 906 by 3, 884 by 4, and 884 by 8, using place value counters to support their calculations. Students also explore the concept of remainders, as seen when dividing 489 by 2, resulting in 244 with a remainder of 1. To deepen their reasoning skills, they work on problems like creating a three-digit number divisible by 2, 3, 4, or 5 using a set number of counters. The lesson concludes with independent work where students apply what they've learned to solve additional calculations and discuss various partitioning strategies to divide numbers more efficiently. This structured approach helps students to master the concept of division with confidence.

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