Multiplication and Division (2) - Multiply 3 digits by 2-digits (arithmetic) - Planning

Year 5
Multiplication and Division (2) - Multiply 3 digits by 2-digits (arithmetic) - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a carefully structured mathematics lesson aimed at Year 5 students, the focus is on enhancing their multiplication proficiency, particularly multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using arithmetic methods. The lesson commences with a review of prior knowledge, including the use of area models for multiplication. The class is then introduced to the key vocabulary such as 'multiplication', 'calculation', 'placeholder', 'column method', 'place value columns', 'exchange', and 'product'. The main teaching input involves demonstrating the column method with partially completed calculations, emphasizing the importance of place value and the use of zero as a placeholder. Students engage in partner discussions to reinforce the steps of the multiplication process and practice setting out calculations using the column method, ensuring they understand the role of exchanging and how to combine the partial products to find the final answer.

Subsequent activities include solving word problems that apply their multiplication skills to real-life scenarios, such as calculating the area of a park given its length and width. This reinforces the concept that area is found by multiplying length by width. Students discuss the steps required to solve the problem and then work through the calculations together. Group work and independent activities with differentiated worksheets further consolidate their learning, as they tackle reasoning questions and word problems. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' plenary where students assess their understanding and the skills they've used or found challenging. The lesson is structured to cater to different levels of understanding, from those working towards expectations to those capable of greater depth, with the aim of ensuring all students become proficient in multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers.

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