Addition and Subtraction - Subtract two 4-digit numbers ( more than one exchange - Planning

Year 5
Addition and Subtraction - Subtract two 4-digit numbers ( more than one exchange - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 5 mathematics lesson focused on subtraction, students tackle the challenge of subtracting two 4-digit numbers that require more than one exchange. The lesson begins with a review of previous learning and introduces key vocabulary such as 'exchange', 'subtraction', 'difference', and 'inverse'. Students are encouraged to engage in partner discussions to deepen their understanding of these terms. The class then moves on to practical activities, starting with using place value counters and grids to visually represent the subtraction process. This hands-on approach helps students comprehend the need for exchanging when the top digit is smaller than the bottom digit in a column. They work through examples, both practically and using the column method, to ensure they grasp the concept before progressing to independent work.

As the lesson advances, students are presented with subtraction problems that have missing totals, prompting them to apply their knowledge of inverse operations to find the missing digits. Differentiated worksheets allow students to practice at varying levels of complexity, from one exchange to multiple exchanges across all place value columns. Key questions guide their critical thinking, addressing common misconceptions such as incorrect exchanging. The session concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students evaluate what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging. The lesson aims to solidify the students' ability to perform multi-digit subtraction with exchanges and to use inverse operations as a tool for verifying their answers.

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