Properties of Shape - Symmetric Figures - Worksheet

Year 4
Properties of Shape - Symmetric Figures - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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Lesson 14 in the mathematics curriculum focuses on symmetric figures, with the specific National Curriculum objective of teaching children to complete simple symmetric figures in relation to a given line of symmetry. To facilitate this learning, several resources are recommended, including mirrors, squared paper, and tracing paper, which can be used to help visualise symmetry. Additionally, differentiated worksheets and teaching slides are provided to support the lesson delivery. The key vocabulary for this session includes terms such as 'symmetry', '2D shapes', and 'patterns', which are essential for the children to understand and use correctly.

The lesson involves a practical exercise where children use their skills to complete a varied fluency sheet on symmetric figures. They are encouraged to think critically about what shapes or patterns will look like on the other side of a line of symmetry and how to verify their symmetry using the tools provided. Questions prompt them to consider whether each side of the figure needs to be identical or different and how the squares on the paper can aid in their symmetry creation. The worksheets progress in difficulty, starting with simple patterns and shapes using horizontal and vertical lines, and moving towards more complex arrangements for those working at greater depth. The lesson then advances to reasoning and problem-solving tasks, where children evaluate symmetric figures and explain their reasoning, further deepening their understanding of symmetry.

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