Decimals - Divide 2-Digit by 10 - Presentation

Year 4
Decimals - Divide 2-Digit by 10 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In this engaging lesson on decimals, Year 6 students delve into the concept of dividing a two-digit number by 10. The lesson leverages a place value grid to visually demonstrate the process, prompting students to discuss and understand the mechanics behind the division. By shifting counters one column to the right on the grid, students can observe how the value of a two-digit number changes when divided by 10. For example, dividing 42 by 10 yields 4.2, and similarly, 35 divided by 10 results in 3.5. This visual method is applied to a series of exercises, encouraging students to grasp the concept of place value and the effect of division by 10 on the digits of a number.

The lesson continues with a series of activities designed to reinforce the learning. Students use the place value grid to divide numbers like 82, 55, and 90 by 10, with each exercise reinforcing the rule that digits move one place to the right when dividing by 10. This rule is then contrasted with the opposite movement of digits when multiplying by 10. The lesson also includes reasoning tasks, where students use a Gattegno chart to deduce original numbers before division and to correct misconceptions, like the claim that dividing a two-digit number by 10 will always result in digits in both the ones and tenths columns. Independent work and discussions round off the lesson, challenging students to apply their knowledge and consider the use of zero as a placeholder in this context.

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