Fractions - Count in tenths - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
In a series of interactive and engaging activities, students are introduced to the concept of counting in tenths. The lesson begins by prompting students to count forwards and backwards in tenths using a visual tool called a counting stick, which represents one whole. The counting stick is divided into ten equal parts, and students are tasked with labelling each section with the corresponding fraction, starting from one tenth (1/10) to ten tenths (10/10). This activity reinforces the idea that ten tenths make a whole and provides students with a concrete method to visualise and understand fractions as parts of a whole.
Following the initial exercise, students progress to more complex tasks that require them to continue sequences and patterns involving tenths. They are encouraged to use various representations such as pictorial, words, and fractions to demonstrate their understanding of the concept. For example, they learn to recognise that five tenths is three tenths smaller than eight tenths and three tenths larger than two tenths. These activities not only help students grasp the relationship between different fractions but also allow them to practice their reasoning skills. The lesson culminates with independent work where students complete tables with missing information, identify errors in counting sequences, and explain their reasoning, thereby consolidating their knowledge of tenths in a variety of contexts.