Fractions - Fractions of an amount (2) - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 4 fractions lesson, students delve into the concept of non-unit fractions of amounts, expanding their mathematical understanding beyond unit fractions. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, ensuring that any misconceptions about non-unit fractions—fractions where the numerator is greater than one—are addressed. Students then engage in a hands-on activity using 20 objects to explore equal groupings and to determine the fraction represented by each group. The practical application continues as they work out fractions of these groups, such as 2/5 and 3/5, reinforcing their grasp of the concept.
The class collaboratively explores how to find fractions like 3/4 of a quantity, using STEM sentences to articulate their thought process. They also use bar models and counters to visually represent and calculate fractions of different amounts. Independent learning includes activities where students employ bar models and place value counters to work out non-unit fractions of numerical amounts. Reasoning exercises challenge them to reverse the process by finding the full amount from a given fraction, and to solve multi-step word problems involving money. Throughout the lesson, key questions prompt students to reflect on the roles of the numerator and denominator, and the difference between various fractions. The plenary session encourages students to reflect on the skills they've used, any challenges faced, and the key takeaways from the lesson. Differentiated learning outcomes cater to varying levels of proficiency, from grasping basic concepts to achieving a greater depth of understanding.