Fractions - Equivalent Fractions (4) - Planning

Year 4
Fractions - Equivalent Fractions (4) - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 4 curriculum, students delve into the concept of equivalent fractions during their Spring term's first week of studying fractions. The lesson is structured with a starter activity to refresh their memory on previous lessons, followed by class teaching input that guides them through the importance of understanding fractions, numerators, denominators, and the concept of equivalence. The use of a fraction wall is central to the lesson, providing a visual aid to help students grasp the relationships between different fractions. Activities are designed to reinforce the idea that multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same number results in equivalent fractions. Students engage in partner discussions to further their understanding and explore the concept in various ways.

Independent learning is facilitated through differentiated worksheets, allowing students to work at their own pace and level of understanding, ranging from those just grasping the basics to those ready for greater depth. The plenary session includes a reasoning element where students evaluate statements about equivalent fractions and use digit cards to discover multiple ways to represent the same fraction. The lesson aims to correct common misconceptions, such as adding instead of multiplying to find equivalent fractions. The 'Give me five' reflection activity encourages students to articulate what they've learned, the skills they've used, and the challenges they faced, ensuring they remember the key points from the lesson. The progression of the worksheets from shaded diagrams to unmarked ones challenges students to identify equivalent fractions with increasing independence, thus deepening their understanding of the topic.

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