Fractions - Equivalent fractions (1) - Planning

Year 4
Fractions - Equivalent fractions (1) - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 4 mathematics lesson focused on fractions, students delve into the concept of equivalent fractions. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, where students revisit the fundamental idea of what a fraction is, based on their prior knowledge from an earlier fractions unit. The key term 'equivalent' is emphasised, and students are encouraged to discuss and define what it means in the context of fractions. The class teaching input utilises a number line as a visual aid to help students understand how one whole can be divided into different amounts of equal parts, demonstrating the concept of equivalent fractions. For instance, a number line segmented into twelfths can simultaneously represent halves, thirds, quarters, and sixths.

During independent learning, students engage with worksheets and a presentation, which guide them through activities designed to solidify their understanding of equivalent fractions using number lines. They are prompted to consider which unit fractions are equivalent to twelfths and which are not. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' plenary where students assess their learning, the skills they used, any challenges they faced, and the key points they need to remember. Differentiation is evident in the tasks set for students, with varying degrees of complexity: from completing missing equivalent fractions and placing them on a simple number line for those working towards the expected level, to placing equivalent fractions on a completely empty number line for those working at greater depth.

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