Place value - Vocabulary

Year 4
Place value - Vocabulary
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The concept of place value is fundamental in understanding numbers and their worth based on position. A digit is any of the ten symbols from 0 to 9 that make up numbers. For example, in the numbers 432, 24, and 2,004, the digit '2' holds a different place value, affecting the overall value of the number. Numeral is the term used for symbols or names representing numbers, such as '7', 'ten', '15', and 'eleven'. A numeral like 452 consists of three digits, each with its own place value—hundreds, tens, and ones. Additionally, a 4-digit number includes thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones, each contributing to the total value of the number.

Understanding place value is further enhanced by using various educational tools and concepts. Base 10 equipment, for instance, helps visualise the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones in a number. Number tracks offer a linear representation of numbers, aiding in the comprehension of numerical order and magnitude. The curriculum introduces comparison symbols to compare numbers, indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than another. Partitioning numbers into smaller parts simplifies calculations, while strategies such as using ten frames or place value counters can assist in visualising and solving mathematical problems. Place value charts and part-whole models further support the breakdown of numbers into their constituent parts. Finally, concepts like rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand, as well as identifying multiples, are crucial skills in the realm of place value for Year 4 students.

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