Fractions - Paper plates - Practical Maths Activity

Year 2
Fractions - Paper plates - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Fraction Cafe is a hands-on maths activity designed to make learning about fractions fun and engaging for Year 2 students. This interactive exercise helps children to grasp the concept of fractions by using visual aids and practical examples. The activity involves printing and cutting out images of pizzas and sandwiches, which are then placed on paper plates to represent whole items. The children gather around to view the different food items, and some are invited to request specific fractions of these foods, such as a half or a quarter.

Depending on the children's existing knowledge of fractions, one student may take on the role of dividing the food illustrations into the requested portions. This practical approach allows the children to clearly see and compare the sizes of different fractions, making it easier to understand that some fractions are larger or smaller than others. The required equipment for this activity is simple: paper plates and the printed illustrations of pizzas and sandwiches. By participating in Fraction Cafe, children will meet the National Curriculum objectives for Year 2, which include recognising, finding, naming, and writing fractions such as 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, and 3/4 in relation to a length, shape, set of objects, or quantity.