Properties of shape - Parallel and Perpendicular​ - Worksheet

Year 3
Properties of shape - Parallel and Perpendicular​ - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The educational materials focus on the properties of shapes, specifically on understanding parallel and perpendicular lines. Students are tasked with various activities that help them identify and draw these types of lines in different contexts. The exercises guide children to use arrow notation to denote parallel lines and right angle notation for perpendicular lines. To ensure a comprehensive learning experience, the worksheet encourages the use of a right-angle tester to verify the perpendicularity of lines, particularly those that are not aligned horizontally or vertically. This hands-on approach helps students visualize and grasp the concepts of parallelism and perpendicularity in practical situations.

Further enhancing their reasoning and problem-solving skills, students face true-false questions where they must determine the parallelism or perpendicularity of given line segments, sometimes requiring them to redraw shapes to illustrate their understanding. The worksheet also includes fill-in-the-blank statements where children must identify lines that never meet as 'parallel' and lines that intersect at a right angle as 'perpendicular.' The activities culminate in exercises where students must draw lines parallel or perpendicular to existing ones and use their knowledge to complete sentences about the relationships between different line segments within shapes, solidifying their understanding of these fundamental geometric concepts.

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