Fractions - Unit fractions - Presentation

Year 3
Fractions - Unit fractions - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In today's lesson, pupils will delve into the world of unit fractions, enhancing their understanding of fundamental fraction concepts. The lesson begins with a review of key terms: the numerator, which is the top number in a fraction, indicating how many parts are being considered, and the denominator, the bottom number that shows into how many parts the whole is divided. The main activities involve analysing bar models to identify similarities and differences in the way unit fractions are represented. For instance, while all bars may be the same size with one part shaded, the number of subdivisions within each bar varies, thus changing the size of the shaded fraction.

Further activities encourage students to identify the shaded unit fraction in different diagrams, such as 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4, and to observe the relationship between the denominator and the size of the fraction. They are challenged to match unit fractions to corresponding pictures and to apply logical reasoning in true or false statements regarding the shading of shapes to represent certain fractions. Pupils also tackle problems that require them to think critically, like determining which is greater: one half or one quarter of a given number, using visual aids like cubes or bar models to justify their answers. Independent work tasks include writing fractions in words, representing them in bar models, and comparing unit fractions to understand which is larger or smaller when the whole is consistent.

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