Money - Convert pounds and pence - Worksheet

Year 3
Money - Convert pounds and pence - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The "Convert Pounds & Pence" worksheet is an educational resource aimed at enhancing the fluency and precision of Year 6 students in mastering money conversion. It aligns with the National Curriculum objective that requires children to add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both pounds (£) and pence (p) in practical contexts. To facilitate learning, differentiated sheets and teaching slides are provided as resources. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as 'converting', 'counting', 'pounds', and 'pence'. Pupils are expected to convert between pounds and pence, understanding that £1 equals 100 pence. They apply this knowledge by grouping pennies into pounds when counting and use their place value skills and number bonds to 100 to aid conversion.

During the lesson, children engage in activities that involve identifying groups of coins, such as 50p pieces or sequences that add up to 100p. For those with a good grasp of converting pounds to pence, more challenging tasks are set to further practice their fluency by counting various coins and expressing their value in both pounds and pence. The worksheet also encourages reasoning and problem-solving skills, where students are presented with scenarios involving different amounts of money. They must choose possible combinations of coins and explain their reasoning, such as why certain combinations are not possible. This not only consolidates their understanding of currency conversion but also develops their critical thinking abilities.

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