Money - Subtract money - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
In a practical mathematics lesson focusing on measurement and money, students are introduced to the concept of subtracting amounts of money in pounds and pence. The lesson starts with a discussion on different subtraction methods that students might already be familiar with. This sets the stage for a series of activities where students apply their understanding of subtraction to real-life scenarios involving money. For instance, one activity presents a situation where Tia has £4 and 50p and gives £2 and 10p to her friend, prompting students to calculate the remaining amount. The solution is methodically broken down, showing that Tia has £2 and 40p left after the transaction.
Further activities build on this concept, such as Malachi having £8 and 90p and giving away £5 and 55p to a friend, leaving him with £3 and 35p. Another scenario compares the amounts of money two individuals have, encouraging students to determine the difference in their amounts. In a different context, students calculate the reduction in price of a T-shirt during a sale, understanding how to subtract one money amount from another. The lesson also includes reasoning exercises, where students analyze calculations made by fictional children, identifying correct and incorrect methods, and deciding which approach they prefer. Independent work encourages students to subtract pounds and pence separately or use a number line to find the difference, reinforcing the subtraction skills in the context of money.