Multiplication and division - Multiply by 8 - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
Lesson 17 in the series on Multiplication & Division focuses on teaching children to multiply by 8, aligning with the National Curriculum objective to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 multiplication tables. The lesson includes differentiated worksheets and teaching slides, with the option of using concrete resources for hands-on learning. Students are encouraged to build on their understanding of the 4 times table by recognising that multiples of 8 are double the corresponding multiples of 4. This concept is explored through various activities, including writing and calculating mathematical statements for multiplication and division, and practising fluency and precision in their calculations.
Key vocabulary such as multiplication, multiplier, multiplicand, and 'multiple of' is introduced, along with associated concepts like addition and repeated addition. Students learn to visualise and solve problems through number sentences, pictorial representations, and the use of arrays or bar models. The lesson also involves reasoning and problem-solving exercises where students compare different methods of calculating products involving the number 8, encouraging them to explain their preferences and understandings. This comprehensive approach aims to deepen students' grasp of multiplication by 8 and its relationship to previously learned tables.