Multiplication and division - Multiply by 4 - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
This comprehensive worksheet is tailored for students learning to multiply by 4, enhancing their fluency and precision in multiplication and division. It aligns with the National Curriculum objective to count in multiples of 4, 8, 50, and 100, and to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 times tables. The resources provided for this lesson include differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and concrete equipment such as numicon, cubes, and counters to facilitate hands-on learning.
The worksheet encourages children to build on their understanding of multiplication as repeated addition and to make connections between doubling numbers and multiplying by 4. The exercises prompt students to form equal groups, count the number of items in each group, and then multiply to find the total number of items. Key questions guide the students to explore various representations of multiplication problems, including number sentences and pictorial representations. For those who have mastered the concept, more challenging tasks are provided, such as multiplying larger numbers by breaking them down into known facts. The worksheet also includes reasoning and problem-solving sections, where students can apply their multiplication skills to real-world scenarios and explain their reasoning, further deepening their understanding of the concept.