Multiplication and division - Divide by 3 - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "Division by 3 - Word Problems" is a comprehensive resource designed to help Year 6 students master the concept of dividing by 3. The National Curriculum objective for this lesson is to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 multiplication tables. To facilitate learning, the worksheet provides differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and concrete objects for hands-on practice. Key vocabulary terms such as multiplication, division, multiples, equal groups, inverse, share, and group are highlighted to enhance understanding.
Students explore the concept of division by sharing quantities into three equal groups and creating groups of three. They utilise concrete and pictorial representations to visualise the process and apply their knowledge of inverse operations to verify their answers. The worksheet includes a variety of word problems that require students to divide by 3, encouraging them to use circles provided to distribute quantities evenly. The problems range from sharing dog treats among three dogs to dividing a number of sweets between children. Additionally, students are prompted to write the division equations corresponding to their solutions, reinforcing their numerical understanding of division.