Position and direction - Problem solving with position - Presentation

Year 2
Position and direction - Problem solving with position - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging activities aimed at enhancing students' understanding of position and direction, they are presented with various scenarios that involve problem-solving skills. For instance, students are asked to determine the new direction a teddy is facing after making a half turn, with options to tick the correct answer. They are also encouraged to predict where the teddy would face if it turned a quarter turn. In another activity, students imagine a character, Leanna, facing a square and then making a half turn; they must then decide which shape she would be facing afterwards, choosing from options like a square, triangle, circle, or star. These exercises help students visualise and comprehend the effects of rotational movements on an object's position.

Further activities delve deeper into spatial reasoning, such as identifying which object is placed on the middle shelf or determining the object located beneath a football. In a practical exercise, children observe the movements of a zebra on a grid and are tasked with drawing its final position after moving two squares forward and one square left. Another scenario involves mapping out multiple routes for an elephant to reach a giraffe, showcasing that there can be more than one solution to a problem. The lesson also includes reasoning challenges, such as deducing which shapes a dog could be facing after a quarter turn and understanding why multiple answers are possible. Finally, students are presented with a game-like scenario where a pirate must navigate to treasure without landing on a square with a parrot, requiring them to plan a strategic path.

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