Fractions - Recognise a third - Planning

Year 2
Fractions - Recognise a third - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 2 spring term lesson on fractions, pupils are introduced to the concept of recognising a third. The lesson utilises a variety of resources including a teaching presentation, worksheets, and practical tools such as cubes or small counting objects. Key vocabulary terms such as 'whole', 'part', 'equal', 'unequal', 'half', 'quarter', and 'third' are emphasised, with vocabulary cards available to support learning. The lesson begins with children completing 'fluent in four' questions, which prepares them for the day's learning objective: understanding and identifying one third in both shapes and numbers, and distinguishing it from one half and one quarter.

The class teaching input involves a discussion on where the term 'third' is commonly encountered, such as ordinal numbers and everyday scenarios. The teaching slides clarify the fraction concept, focusing on the numerator and denominator, and demonstrate how to divide a shape into three equal parts. Following this, children engage in a 'fill in the gaps' activity using mini whiteboards to correctly represent the fraction. Group work encourages pupils to shade in one third of shapes on printed worksheets. Practical work involves drawing and shading a third of a shape with a partner, while independent learning is supported by differentiated worksheets to consolidate understanding. The lesson concludes with reasoning activities and a plenary that addresses common misconceptions and reinforces the importance of equal parts when identifying thirds. Pupils are also encouraged to reflect on the skills they've learned and the aspects they found challenging, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the concept of a third.

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