Addition and subtraction - Know your bounds - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Know your bounds - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 mathematics lesson focusing on addition and subtraction, the concept of number bonds is revisited, with a particular emphasis on number bonds to 10. The lesson begins with a starter activity where children answer questions to refresh their memory on previous learning. Using double-sided counters and other resources such as worksheets and a presentation, the children engage in practical activities to deepen their understanding of number bonds. They start by counting out six counters and then flipping them to reveal different combinations that add up to six, such as 1 + 5. The children are encouraged to work systematically to discover all possible number bonds to six, using the counters to visualise and solve the problems.

Latter in the lesson, the children apply their knowledge of number bonds to solve real-world problems, such as determining the value of one chocolate bar if two are known to cost 8p. By dividing a set of eight counters into two equal groups, they deduce that one chocolate bar equals 4p. Similarly, they use their counters to solve another problem: if four chocolates plus some sweets equal five, the children use their counters to find out that the sweets must be worth 1. After the practical activities, children work independently on differentiated worksheets to further practice their skills. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where children assess what they have learned, the skills they've used, such as addition and understanding number bonds within 10, and what they found challenging. The worksheets cater to different levels of learning—from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth, with more complex sentences and problem-solving tasks.

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