Place value - Counting in 5s - Planning

Year 2
Place value - Counting in 5s - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In Year 2's Autumn Place Value Week 4 lesson, the focus is on counting in increments of five. The session starts with a review of counting in 5s up to 50, using various visual aids to reinforce the concept. The children are encouraged to work in pairs and use full sentences to explain their understanding, fostering both mathematical and language skills. The lesson includes a series of interactive activities, such as estimating the number of fish in tanks or marbles in groups, and identifying patterns when counting by fives. The children are also challenged to recognise and complete sequences on a number line, understanding why certain numbers like 21 or 25 do or do not appear when counting in 5s. The aim is to help them discern the pattern that multiples of five either end in 0 or 5.

As the lesson progresses, reasoning and problem-solving tasks are introduced to deepen understanding. For example, students calculate the number of counters needed to create a certain number of flowers, each comprising five counters. They also engage in a group activity, counting fingers in fives to visualise and reinforce the concept. The lesson concludes with reflective questions that prompt students to consider what they've learned, the skills they've utilised, and the aspects they found challenging. The lesson is differentiated to cater to various levels of proficiency, from those working towards the expected level, who count forward using visual aids, to those working at greater depth, who solve problems involving counting in 5s, including counting both forwards and backwards.

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