Fractions - Making a half activity - Planning

Year 1
Fractions - Making a half activity - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 summer term lesson focused on fractions, students are introduced to the concept of halves and quarters through engaging, practical activities. The National Curriculum objectives for this lesson include recognising and naming a half as one of two equal parts and a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape, or quantity. The children are also encouraged to compare and solve practical problems involving lengths, heights, mass, weight, capacity, and volume using terms like long/short, heavier/lighter, and full/empty. Key vocabulary such as 'fraction', 'half', 'whole', 'equal', and 'shape' is highlighted, with resources available to help consolidate their understanding of these terms.

The lesson plan outlines a series of activities, starting with a small step starter to recap previous learning. Students then engage in class discussions about sharing equally, using examples like dividing a chocolate bar or a pizza into equal parts. They move on to practical tasks, such as folding a square piece of paper to find different ways of making a half and colouring one of the halves. The lesson challenges students, especially those working at greater depth, to explore various methods of halving and to consider why some shapes are easier to divide equally than others. Key questions prompt students to think about the concept of equality and how to verify that shapes have been halved correctly. The lesson concludes with a reflection on what has been learned and a focus on overcoming common misconceptions, such as the idea that two pieces are halves regardless of their size. Differentiated outcomes are provided, scaling from completing two practical tasks to demonstrate understanding to more complex challenges for those working at greater depth.

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