Multiplication and division - Count in 10s - Planning

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Count in 10s - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 1 classroom, the curriculum for the summer term includes a focus on multiplication with an emphasis on counting in tens. The national curriculum objectives for this unit aim to have students count, read, and write numbers up to 100 using numerals and to count in multiples of twos, fives, and tens. The key vocabulary for this unit includes terms such as 'tens', 'ones', 'equals', 'count', 'number line', and '100 square', which are crucial for the children's understanding of the concepts being taught. To support this learning, a variety of resources are used including presentations, equipment for counting in tens, a number line marked in tens, a blank 100 square, and pencil crayons.

The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning and poses questions to the children about counting in tens, exploring different scenarios such as counting candles on a birthday cake or fish in a tank. The children are encouraged to discuss and compare counting in ones with faster methods such as in twos or fives. The practical part of the lesson involves finding equipment that can be counted in tens, and using a tens frame to visualise the concept that one ten equals ten ones. Children practice counting in tens both forwards and backwards, with a particular focus on using a number line and a 100 square to reinforce the pattern of tens. The lesson addresses common misconceptions and ends with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where children identify what they have learned, the skills used, challenges faced, and key takeaways. Differentiation is provided with children working towards the expected level noticing patterns and counting with support, while those working at greater depth can count forwards and backwards in tens from any starting point.

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