Addition and subtraction within 10 - Addition symbol - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Addition symbol - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the initial stages of learning mathematics, Year 1 students engage in a lesson focused on addition and subtraction within 10, with a particular emphasis on understanding and using the addition symbol. The lesson is part of the Autumn Term's curriculum during Week 6, Day 1. The starter activity, known as 'Fluent in Four - Revision', is designed to help students become proficient in basic arithmetic through practical exercises. To participate in the activity, each child is provided with 15 counters, which serve as a tactile tool to aid in their calculations.

The lesson's activities include translating visual prompts into number sentences and using the counters to perform simple addition. For example, students are asked to find the sum of half of 2 plus half of 6, and to add 3 and 3 together. These exercises are aimed at reinforcing their understanding of the addition process and the concept of finding equal sets. Additionally, students are challenged with questions that require them to identify sets with the same amount and to determine which item is different from the others, further developing their comparative and analytical skills. Throughout the lesson, the counters are used as a hands-on method to help visualise and solve the problems, making the concept of addition more accessible and engaging for young learners.

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